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Dewch i mewn

Cirque Éloize: iD Reloaded

30 September + 1 October 2025

Donald Gordon Theatre

On sale to Partner and Partner Awen members from 10am 13 January
On sale to Ffrind and Ffrind+ members from 10am 15 January
On sale to Groups from 10am 16 January
On sale to the public from 10am 17 January

Mixing urban dance daring stunts and dazzling acrobatics.

iD Reloaded inspired by iD, Cirque Éloize's ground-breaking and breath-taking West End and international hit, is an intoxicating blend of circus arts and urban dance music; b-boying/b-girling, breakdance, hip hop and more.

The scene is set in the heart of a city, in a public space where people seek refuge and a chance to shed their anonymity: a place where identity is forged and individuality is expressed. The stage fizzes and thrills with infectious energy and phenomenal physical feat, as the 12 talented cast members from Canada’s famed contemporary circus crew Cirque Éloize perform against a kaleidoscope of eye-popping video projections.

Set to a pulsating and stimulating soundtrack by Jean-Phi Concalves (Beast) and Alex McMahon, directed and created by Jeannot Painchaud, iD Reloaded is a thrilling piece of work, full of attitude, energy and invention.

“Mixes circus and urban dance to cracking effect. The skill and excitement levels and are sky high”

The Guardian

“This truly thrilling modern circus show from the Canadian-based troupe was as nail-biting as it was beautiful"

The Telegraph

Age guidance: 10+ (No under 2s)

Start time: 7.30pm

Running time: approximately 75 minutes (no interval)


£10 off on opening night (top 2 prices), limited availability
Become a member


Groups of 10+ from £4 off selected seats
Groups payment date 1/07/2025
Organise a group visit


£4 off selected seats


£8 off selected seats

All offers are subject to selected seats, allocations and availability

Book early to ensure the best choice of seats. We regularly monitor and adjust ticket prices to optimise income and to ensure a wide range of price options where possible. Prices are subject to change. Read more.

The Donald Gordon Theatre during a Patti Smith concert

Presented at

Donald Gordon Theatre