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Greenham Women Are Everywhere

Our latest Wales Millennium Centre production Es & Flo features a lesbian couple who met at the Greenham Common Women’s Peace Camp.

To correspond with the production, we have several fantastic events arranged by Greenham Women Everywhere and Scary Little Girls which highlight the impact of Greenham and tell stories by the people who were there.


Greenham Common Board Game

28 April – 13 May, Lolfa

Come and try out a prototype board game inspired by people’s experiences at Greenham Common Women’s Peace Camp.


Rebecca Mordan and Frankie Armstrong: 'Out of the Darkness'

Author Talk and Greenham Common Songs

28 April 6.15pm – 6.45pm, Glanfa

A discussion with Scary Little Girls’ Artistic Director Rebecca Mordan about her book Out of the Darkness: Greenham Voices 1981–2000. Rebecca will read and tell stories from the book before Frankie Armstrong sings you some songs from the Greenham days. They can also answer all your burning questions about the peace camp – go on ask them, we dare you!


Craftivism and Memory Sharing

29 April, 11am – 3pm, Lolfa

This session will begin with a chat about the impact of Greenham Common Women’s Peace Camp by Greenham child Rebecca Mordan, followed by craftivism and cake as we create a space for the change we want to see in the world! The craftivism activities will include contributing to a local banner and making radical badges.


A Talk with Ann and Sally Bell

2 May, 6pm – 6.15pm, Glanfa

Ann was a PhD student when she first went to Greenham and Sally was an American citizen living in the UK. They met at the peace camp, living permanently at Orange Gate between 1983 and 1985, and later married. Come and hear them chat to Rebecca Mordan about their Greenham experiences.


Bread & Roses

2 May 6.15pm – 6.45pm, Glanfa

Bread & Roses are a feisty vocal trio who sing songs of love, hope and endurance in luscious a cappella harmony.

The group was founded by the renowned folk singer and winner of the English Folk Dance and Song Society’s (EFDSS) Gold Badge Award 2018, and president and founder of the Natural Voice Network, Frankie Armstrong.  She will be joined by Pauline Down and Laura Bradshaw – performers, community musicians and songwriters from south Wales.

Some of the songs they will be performing feature on Frankie's latest album which was named The Guardian’s folk album of the month in 2021.

Their hope is to communicate power, tenderness and fun through their songs, involving the audience both as listeners and sometimes joiners-in.


© Wendy Carrig

Outside the Weston Studio we will also have a wonderful Greenham photography exhibition by Wendy Carrig called Common People, so make sure you take a look when you come and see Es & Flo, 28 Apr – 13 May.

Main image credit: Julia Ball