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Nuha Ruby Ra

Nuha Ruby Ra

East London’s avant-punk queen NUHA RUBY RA has been cultivating a dedicated following.

Having cut her teeth in various musical projects and art collectives, Nuha Ruby Ra is a performance powerhouse sharply focused on her own artistic vision.

Equally adept to presenting these sermons with a chaotic, pulsating seven or eight person live band as she is stripping it right back to herself, the music is something that can be effortlessly molded to suit her mood. Constantly evolving and always adapting.

Nuha has performed alongside the likes of Bo Ningen, Uncanny Valley, Charlie Boyer and more, and appeared on recordings by Flamingods and Warmduscher.

“Nuha Ruby Ra’s musical landscape is a dark forest of promises which sucks the listener right in to share her dreamlike state.”

Louder Than War