Doctors can't help you but maybe we can. Here are 10 signs that you might just be mad about musicals...
1. You constantly sing classic show tunes

Whether you’re in the shower, tidying the house or sat in work; you’re regularly caught singing or humming show tunes from Wicked, Les Misérables, Matilda or more. And to make matters worse, you don't even realise you're doing it.
2. You could never choose a favourite show, ever...
It’d be like trying to choose your favourite child, you simply can’t do it. The Bodyguard has all those classic Whitney hits, but Kinky Boots has all the modern glitz and glamour. How can you be expected to pick one?
3. Hoarding show programmes
You buy souvenirs at every single show you see, and throwing them away is not a viable option. So before you know it, you’ve got over 100 programmes and no space to store them.
4. You own at least one piece of theatre merchandise

Whether it’s a subtle mug, gaudy key ring or a glittery t-shirt; you'll own at least one piece of theatre merchandise that you truly treasure and the thought of losing it doesn't even bear thinking about.
5. Your local theatre knows you
You visit your local theatre so often that the front of house team instantly recognise you, greets you with a warm smile and probably know your first name; it's a bit like walking into your local pub.
6. You’ve dragged friends and family along to see shows
Every theatre fan has wanted to see a show that no-one they know is remotely interested in seeing. Not wanting to miss out, you’ve had to beg, bribe or blackmail a family member or friend to accompany you. The show must go on!
7. You know a lot of random facts
Theatre has drastically improved your general knowledge. Thanks to Rent - you now know that there are 525,600 minutes in a year, you're down with Gloria Estefan's incredible rise to fame in On Your Feet and you know what Henry VIII’s ex-wives were really like...thanks to Six.
8. You know what your dream role is

Whether you’re a wannabe Pink Lady in Grease or see yourself storming the barricades in Les Misérables; every theatre fan knows what their dream role would be. Imagine getting up there and performing it...
9. You're easy to buy presents for
No matter what the occasion - birthday, anniversary or Christmas - everyone knows what to buy you. You're easily pleased, so long as it's theatre tickets or merchandise.
10. You regularly check theatre websites for updates
You wouldn’t want to miss an exciting new show announcement, so you constantly check your local theatre website for updates. You might even be a member there so you can take advantage of priority booking and get your favourite seat every time.
If any of these symptoms sound familiar, then don't panic. You're just mad about musicals (MAMS) but help is at hand...
Share your #MAMS with us on social and you could be in with a chance of winning the ultimate antidote - tickets to see a show.