Have a go at writing your own tongue-in-cheek, deliberately bad erotic fiction with writer and Plymouth Laureate of Words, Laura Horton.
With prompts and time to write, the first hour of the session will be dedicated to finding ways to write comedically about sex – be that a short story, a poem or a play. No experience necessary.
In the second hour, pieces will be read out. You can choose to read your own or have Laura or one of the invited actors read it for you (anonymously, if you'd prefer).
Imagine if Letters Live and My Dad Wrote a Porno had a baby.

Even though these events are spaces for humour, I’ve had a lot of people open up after workshops, making me realise how messy everyone’s romantic lives are. Ultimately, this sort of camaraderie makes sex less intimidating – and makes us all feel less alone.
Laura Horton, Vogue
Start time: 3.30pm, doors 3pm
Age: 18+
Warnings: Strong language and adult content
Doors open 30 minutes before the performance starts, giving you plenty of time to find a table, catch up with friends and grab a drink via our app ordering service.
Seating is unreserved.
We advise larger groups to arrive early so you can find seats together.
If the show is sold out, you may need to share a table.
£3 off
Available for this production. Find out more.
All offers subject to allocations and availability.