Come and make your own zine in this free workshop.
Efa Supertramp has been making DIY zines for over a decade, on a range of subjects from underground music to travel, adventures and art – she has a collection of hundreds of zines and is passionate about self-publishing and independent press. In this workshop we’ll discuss the power of creating our own fanzines and their relevance to our own niche interests or radical art/poetry/rants.
During this workshop we will work on creating a zine together and you will learn how to create your own publications in the future (and why). A zine can be about absolutely anything – you don’t need to prepare anything or have any previous experience, but come prepared to create together! All materials provided.
This workshop coincides with the screening of ‘Punk: From the Archive’ which includes Wales Broadcast Archive footage as part of the Wasteland of My Fathers Welsh punk history exhibition. Come and join Efa Supertramp to create your own zine, inspired by the music and attitude of late 70s and 80s Wales.
Workshop times: 10:30am – 12:30pm (Welsh), 2pm – 4pm (bilingual)
Age guidance: 14+