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A Wales Millennium Centre Production

How Shall We Begin Again?

A new performance initiated by artist Jo Fong

Donald Gordon Theatre

11 + 12 February 2023




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A Wales Millennium Centre Production

How Shall We Begin Again?

A new performance initiated by artist Jo Fong

11 + 12 February 2023

Donald Gordon Theatre

“How can I describe the performance… a collective action; between portraiture, protest and something like a prayer. Just a moment, to be in the moment.” 

Jo Fong

Fifty people will gather for a two-day performance. Across the two days, nothing repeats. Each moment will be different. You are invited to witness... 

How Shall We Begin Again? is a live installation. It’s about the body, returning to the body.

“Dance this bold, cuts to the humanity in us all.” 

Kate Hall, Jumped Up Theatre

Created and performed by 50 people

Adeola Dewis, Andrew Tadd, Bert Van Gorp, Bunmi Odumosu, Dee Aud Rogers, Deepraj Singh, Catriona James, Cêt Haf, Deborah Light, Dominika Rau, Donna Males, Dylan Davies, Eddie Ladd, Etien Davies, Farah Allibhai, Frances Bolley, Gareth Clark, George Orange, Idrissa Camara, Indigo Tarran, Jacques Colgate, Jain Boon, Jessie Brett, Jo Fong, Jodi Ann Nicholson, Jonny Cotsen, June Campbell-Davies, Katherine Hall, Kevin McIntosh, Krystal Dawn Campbell, Krystal S. Lowe, Lara Ward, Liam Wallace, Linzy Na Nakorn, Marega Palser, Mari Hullett, Natasha Dawkes, ZiHong Mok, Nandi Andrea Payne, Osian Meilir, Poppy né Caroline Sabin, Rabab Ghazoul, Robin Liew Harper, Rosalind Hâf Brooks, Sahar Saki, Sara McGaughey, Sara Sirati, Shakeera Ahmun, Shivaangee Agrawal, Stuart Campbell, Tiago Gambogi, Thomas Lowe and Zosia Jo.

This performance was researched at Wales Millennium Centre with members of Striking Attitudes and later within a shared residency called Ways of Being Together at Toynbee Hall, London with support from Artsadmin. The first full 16-hour performance was supported by Siobhan Davies Studios and commissioned by Neurolive.

NEUROLIVE is a 5-year interdisciplinary research project bringing artists, scientists and audiences together to study what makes live experiences special. How Shall We Begin Again? was the second live performance created as part of this research.

Wales Millennium Centre is committed to making space for artists, young people and communities and supporting them to tell their stories in the ways they want to. How Shall We Begin Again? is a collaboration with our Creative Associate Jo Fong and we are delighted to be able to welcome these 50 people to our Donald Gordon stage.


Artistic Support: Jodi Ann Nicholson, Indigo Tarran

Lighting Creative Advisor: Martin Hunt

Audio Description Design: Shivaangee Agrawal

Sound and Video Design: Mo Yousef

Production Manager: Luke Davies

Lighting Designer/Operator: Ella Cunnison

Sound Designer/Operator: Thomas Hamer



Jo Fong

Jo lives in Wales and is a Creative Associate with Wales Millennium Centre. She has been dancing and making for 30 years and began her career with Rosas, Rambert and DV8 Physical Theatre to name a few.

Her creative work reflects the need in these times for people to come together. Her artistic practice is an evolving, collaborative approach which puts ideas around belonging or forming community at the forefront.

Recent performances and events: Ways of Being Together, Neither Here Nor There, To Tell You the Truth, Our Land, What Will People Need? Nettles: How to Disagree?, The Sun’s Come Out (created in collaboration with artist Sonia Hughes), A Brief History of Difference with Das Clarks and Marathon of Intimacies with artist Anushiye Yarnell. Jo contributed to Luke Hereford’s Grandmother’s Closet at Wales Millennium Centre, and last summer she was at Summerhall as part of the This is Wales Edinburgh Showcase with a performance called The Rest of Our Lives created with clown and circus maker George Orange.

In February 2022 Jo gathered 14 artists and their guests for a two-week shared residency, Ways of Being Together Toynbee Takeover, London. Ways of Being Together has evolved into a diverse artist-led community, creating space and time to reconnect, repair, replenish and explore performance making and co-creation. The annual convergence is layered, centring learning, support, coming out and actioning change.

Event Information Audio Description

Massive thanks to Artsadmin, Toynbee Hall, Striking Attitudes, Dance House (Cardiff), Chapter, Groundwork Collective, Hijinx, Arts Council Wales, Neurolive, Siobhan Davies Studios and Wales Millenium Centre; making art in these times requires commitment and support and it is not short of an act of love. Thank you for caring about the art ecology of Wales.

The performance begins at midday and ends at 8pm each day. 

Please stay as long as you like and if you need to leave you may come back in at any time.

Warning – some sections may include strong language

The Donald Gordon Theatre during a Patti Smith concert

Presented at

Donald Gordon Theatre