Whether consciously or unconsciously, we are in physical contact with ourselves and others.
We touch and let ourselves be touched every day. Suppose we rediscover ourselves, using our sense of touch to experience ourselves more deeply?
Which landscapes do we recognise, when our hands explore our protective cover? What is the hidden power and wisdom of touch? What does our Art of Touching reveal about us? A trio of two male dancers and one female dancer investigates what touch and intimacy triggers in us all.
This dance performance premiered in 2017 and now, after two years of the pandemic, takes on a whole new meaning. With the experience of social distance, it will tell us more about the power of touch.
tanzbar_bremen will also be performing their street theatre show FöhnFrisuren as part of the free events on the Hayes in Cardiff’s City Centre.
Age guidance: 12+
Start time:
Wed 8pm
Running Time: Approximately 55 minutes
£10 tickets
Groups 10+, £10 tickets. Organise a group visit.
All offers subject to selected seats, allocations and availability.
We've implemented a number of safety measures to ensure our venue is Covid-safe and in line with the latest government guidelines.